About Us

Former managers in aeronautic industry, we like being faced with a wide range of challenges.

About our CEO

Bernard vallee

ENSMA – Aéronautique Poitiers engineer, Benard became VP Sales & Services for Zodiac Seats in 2003, and performed the duties of Toulouse Platform management from 2010 to 2018, FAL Division management and CCO from 2019 to 2022 for AAA.

Customer’s mindset : listening and quick responsiveness is key to get Customer’s satisfaction



About our General Manager

Arnaud Prével

As an Arts et Métiers (ENSAM) engineer, Arnaud developed his competencies as North and Belgium platform Manager in AAA and he became its CFO from 2012 to 2023. He leads Tarbes factory to profitability in 2022.

Rigor and commitment are my watchwords. We must always be innovative to help Customers


Frequently Asked Questions

Arnaud: to regain flexibility of a little company for the benefit of our customers.
Arnaud: our experience and network to help them finding industrial organisation to let them achieve their goals.
Arnaud: happiness, united work force, team accomplishment

Bernard: to answer request from many Customers who were looking for an alternative solution with another Services Provider.

Bernard: reactivity and innovative solution to help them keeping their commitments of Deliveries and Quality.

Bernard: passing on my know how to new generation in order to continue to provide services in accordance with Customer’s spirit.